Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Beginning

Barren ran through the empty streets that were littered with crow food. Two-leg monsters scattered recklessly with little to no two-legs in sight. He felt Roxie and Jupiter hot on his heels. "How long can we keep running?" Roxie panted while slowing her pace. Barren stopped and turned to her,"As long as it takes, those crow food dogs can keep that junk yard!" his deep brown eyes looked passed the golden and white dog to see if they were still being followed. A sigh of relief  washed over Barren when he didn't see the other two dogs in sight. "But what if they catch us next time. We cant keep running.." Jupiter wheezed as he turned to face his friends. Barren shook out his pelt then settled next to the other two." Then we will no longer run we will grow..fight and we will become better than them!" the white dog pressed out his chest as he spoke. "We will become silent pack." Barren said proudly.

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