
Well, well look who we have here...why have you trespassed on Silent pack turf? Wait. Wait. Wait. You're telling me you have never heard of it!? What a shame. We are only one of the strongest pack in the area. Oh? you're interested in joining? Well i don't know. Are your smart enough to be apart of this pack? Right. Right. Well i guess we will have to see what you're worth...for now come with me and we can see if you're fit to be in Silent pack.

(the open position are in Dogs of the pack thanks for joining!)

Theme song(optional):


  1. Name: Asher
    Gender: Male
    Position: Whatever you put him as
    Despcription/Personality: Asher is a scruffy, coal grey cattle dog with bright amber eyes. He resembles a coyote. Though he is smaller in size, he is very fast. Asher has a very bold personality. When he is loyal to something or someone, who will fight for it with all his ability. He grew up on a farm with a two-leg master, but lived a more wild life there. His job was to herd the cattle and sheep, and protect the farm from predators.
    Story: Asher had to leave his farm, not because he was forced, but because he thinks he can never come back. A mountain lion stumbled upon the farm one day and in a fatal accident, the farmer died. Even though his wife took over the farm and treated Asher no different, Asher felt as though he was blamed for the event and blamed himself for not being able to stop it. Now, he's on the run from his past.
    Theme Song: Fall Away by Twenty One Pilots

    Name: Alaska
    Gender: Female
    Position: Again, whatever you choose
    Description/Personality: Alaska is a lean, tall white dog with black spots all over her body (darkest on her ears and paws). She has icy blue eyes. Alaska is a very bitter, very sarcastic dog. This being because she only has three legs. She is missing her front right leg past the shoulder. Alaska feels like dogs constantly doubt her and that she has to prove herself. She doesn't want to be treated differently. Alaska has a hard time fitting in.
    Story: Alaska has been a stray her whole life. Maybe for a few moons she belonged to two legs but they quickly abandoned her. When she was nearly a young adult, she was hit by a car. The people took her to a vet, and she barely survived. Alaska's missing leg constantly reminds her of the event. She was in an adoption center for nearly a year, but no one would adopt her. The vet was going to put her down because of this, but she ran away. This fuels her bitter hate for two legs.
    Theme Song: Not Your Concern by The Hush Sound

    Name: Carter
    Gender: Male
    Position: In training
    Description/Personality: Carter is a light sandy colored male with white along his muzzle, belly, chest, ears, and tail. He has deep brown puppy dog eyes and distinctly black whiskers. Carter is always getting into trouble. He thinks he is bigger than he is and is cocky about his natural agility and speed. Carter really just wants to please.
    Story: Carter was born in a two leg nest with his siblings, but he didn't get along there. He didn't like having a collar or listening to a two leg boss him around. So he ran away. But he didn't like living alone either. He thinks this pack will be the perfect place for him.
    Theme Song: Carpe Diem by Green Day

  2. Here's a new pic for Asher since the first isn't working

  3. alright love ur joined now i have to make the post but might have to do that tomorow cuz im kinda busy
